3 Reasons Telehealth is Convenient for Your Patients

3 Reasons Telehealth is Convenient for Your Patients

SimplyDoc believes in care-driven telehealth solutions. Your telehealth platform should be easy for both providers and patients to use. In this video, Arin Sime, CEO and Founder of SimplyDoc, outlines three reasons why telehealth is convenient for your patients.

Video explaining three reasons that telehealth is convenient for patients.

Reason #1: Convenience of location

From home or work, during off-hours, or before deciding to go to the emergency room, telehealth allows your patients to meet with you whenever and wherever to discuss their health concerns.

Reason #2: Germ management

With telehealth, you can avoid bringing harmful germs into your office, where they can infect you and your patients and team members.

Reason #3: Less time away from work and home

Patients can avoid leaving home or the office, finding a babysitter, and picking the kids up from school. With telehealth, they can receive the healthcare they need while staying put.

We believe that telehealth is transformative. SimplyDoc is a care-driven, patient-focused telehealth solution that allows you to meet with your patients and clients whenever and wherever you need to provide care. HIPAA-compliant and secure, SimplyDoc can be branded to your practice and customized to your workflow, meeting the unique needs of your office and patients. Contact us to bring patient-focused telehealth to your practice today!

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